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By being a member, you get a place around the table and can take part in our activities.

Our Committees

Concertation Ville-Émard/Côte-St-Paul acts with its members through its 6 sectoral committees.


Consult our interactive map to discover all the resources likely to meet your needs.


Incorporated in 1992, Concertation Ville-Émard/Côte St-Paul (Concertation), a non-profit organization, its mission is to bring together the various actors in the neighborhood who wish to act together to improve the living conditions of citizens and contribute to the local development of the community..

Concertation's main mandate is to mobilize the various actors in order to identify, analyze and share the issues of the neighborhood in order to meet the needs of the citizens of the territory.

Concertation is one of 32 neighborhood tables on in Montreal. It is a partner of the Montreal Initiative to support social development.


Nouvelles de la RUI

№ 81 Vendredi 21 juillet 2023  Plusieurs ré des ruelles vertes du quartier se sont mobilisé.es pour embellir leurs Ruelles en la repeignant. Petites plages, marelles, parterres de fleurs, vous

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Nouvelles de la RUI 

№ 80 Mardi 20 juin 2023  La SDC Monk a permis à quatre artistes de réaliser des oeuvres autour du Parc Garneau à travers le projet de la Marelle Infinie.

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Nouvelles de la RUI 

№ 79 Vendredi 26 mai 2023  Après plusieurs années sous la plume de Daniel, les nouvelles de la RUI changent d’auteur. Je reprend le flambeau en tant qu’Agente de développement

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